New paper on model-based estimation of boreal forest properties from TanDEM-X data

This week, I received positive news from IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters: my paper has been accepted. The title of the letter is: “Estimation of Boreal Forest Properties from TanDEM-X Data using Inversion of the Interferometric Water Cloud Model” and together with my co-authors Jan Askne and Lars Ulander, we introduce a new method to interferometric water cloud model (IWCM) inversion, apply it to a large stack of TanDEM-X data, and evaluate the estimated model parameters against forest parameters, system setup, and environmental factors. You can read the paper here.

Adjunct researcher at UTas

I have been appointed an adjunct researcher position in the School of Land and Food at University of Tasmania in Hobart. My plan is to promote radar remote sensing at the department and analyse Tasmanian forests with TanDEM-X.


It is decided! In late October, my wife and I are moving to Australia for a few years. We are looking forward to this new adventure and our new life in Hobart, Tasmania. Tasmania has spectacular forests so I am pretty sure that there will be some exciting work to do there for me.


Initially I didn’t intend to go to IGARSS this year but due to clerical mistakes in the Swedish system, I’ll be replacing our Ph.D. student Albert Monteith. I will have two oral presentations, one about our BorealScat experiment and one about biomass mapping with ALOS. You can find the submitted papers here and here.

See you in China!

BorealScat begins

So it begins! We have marked the spot for the BorealScat tower and the contractor made some test digging. The tower is expected to be finished in August and we hope we can begin our measurements in early autumn.digging